cairo - A vector graphics library


Cairo is a vector graphics library designed to provide high-quality
display and print output. Currently supported output targets include
the X Window System, OpenGL (via glitz), in-memory image buffers, and
image files (PDF, PostScript, and SVG).  Cairo is designed to produce
identical output on all output media while taking advantage of display
hardware acceleration when available (e.g. through the X Render
Extension or OpenGL).


License: LGPL/MPL

Vendor: Fedora Project


cairo-1.4.10-2.fc8.ppc64 [562 KiB] Changelog by Adam Jackson (2007-08-22):
- Rebuild for PPC toolchain bug
cairo-1.4.10-2.fc8.ppc [545 KiB] Changelog by Adam Jackson (2007-08-22):
- Rebuild for PPC toolchain bug