cegui - Free library providing windowing and widgets for graphics APIs / engines


Crazy Eddie's GUI System is a free library providing windowing and widgets for
graphics APIs / engines where such functionality is not natively available, or
severely lacking. The library is object orientated, written in C++, and
targeted at games developers who should be spending their time creating great
games, not building GUI sub-systems!

Homepage: http://www.cegui.org.uk

License: MIT and Freely redistributable without restriction

Vendor: Fedora Project


cegui-0.5.0b-6.fc8.ppc [1.2 MiB] Changelog by Ian Chapman (2007-08-29):
- Yet another release bump, for building against expat2.
cegui-0.5.0b-6.fc8.ppc64 [1.3 MiB] Changelog by Ian Chapman (2007-08-29):
- Yet another release bump, for building against expat2.