coldet - 3D Collision Detection Library


This library is an effort to provide a free collision detection library for
generic polyhedra. Its purpose is mainly for 3D games where accurate detection
is needed between two non-simple objects.

    * Works on any model, even polygon soups.
    * Uses bounding box hierarchies for fast detection.
    * Uses additional triangle intersection tests for 100% accuracy.
    * Provides (upon request) exact point of collision, plus the pair of
      triangles that collided.
    * Supports timeout setting, to limit detection time.
    * Model-Model collision test.
    * Ray-Model collision test.
    * Segment-Model collision test.
    * Sphere-Model collision test.
    * Ray-Sphere and Sphere-Sphere primitive collision tests.


License: LGPLv2+

Vendor: Fedora Project


coldet-1.2-3.fc8.ppc [44 KiB] Changelog by Hans de Goede (2007-08-22):
- Fix Source0 URL
coldet-1.2-3.fc8.ppc64 [43 KiB] Changelog by Hans de Goede (2007-08-22):
- Fix Source0 URL