cppunit - C++ unit testing framework


CppUnit is the C++ port of the famous JUnit framework for unit testing.
Test output is in XML for automatic testing and GUI based for supervised tests.

Homepage: http://cppunit.sourceforge.net/

License: LGPL

Vendor: Fedora Project


cppunit-1.12.0-3.fc7.ppc [199 KiB] Changelog by Patrice Dumas (2007-01-29):
- add rightly files to -devel (#224106)
- add necessary requires for -devel (#224106)
- ship examples
cppunit-1.12.0-3.fc7.ppc64 [203 KiB] Changelog by Patrice Dumas (2007-01-29):
- add rightly files to -devel (#224106)
- add necessary requires for -devel (#224106)
- ship examples