knemo - A KDE network monitoring tool


KNemo displays for every network interface an icon in the systray. Tooltips
and an info dialog provide further information about the interface. Passive
popups inform about interface changes. A traffic plotter is also integrated.
It polls the network interface status every second using the ifconfig, route
and iwconfig tools.


License: GPL

Vendor: Fedora Project


knemo-0.4.7-1.fc7.ppc [288 KiB] Changelog by Francois Aucamp (2007-04-17):
- Update to version 0.4.7
- Removed unnecessary desktop-file-install statements (KDE-specific desktop
- Removed desktop file patch - desktop file "Keywords" keys used internally
  by KDE
- Added "OnlyShowIn=KDE" to kcm desktop file
- Removed unnecessary BuildRequires: qt-devel desktop-file-utils
- Simplified %post and %postun scriplets
- Use RPM_BUILD_ROOT variable format consistently