ORBit - CORBA Object Request Broker for GNOME-1 compatibility


ORBit is a high-performance CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture)
ORB (object request broker). It allows programs to send requests and receive
replies from other programs, regardless of the locations of the two programs.
CORBA is an architecture that enables communication between program objects,
regardless of the programming language they are written in or the operating
system they run on.

This package is provided for compatibility with GNOME-1 applications.

Homepage: http://orbit-resource.sourceforge.net/

License: LGPLv2+ and GPLv2+

Vendor: Fedora Project


ORBit-0.5.17-22.fc8.ppc [385 KiB] Changelog by Paul Howarth (2007-10-25):
- Fix multiarch conflicts in -config scripts (#342801)
- Clarify licensing (libs LGPLv2+, binaries GPLv2+)
- Preserve timestamps for files copied from source into installed package
- Build and install using system libtool to avoid bogus rpath on 64-bit arches
ORBit-0.5.17-22.fc8.ppc64 [398 KiB] Changelog by Paul Howarth (2007-10-25):
- Fix multiarch conflicts in -config scripts (#342801)
- Clarify licensing (libs LGPLv2+, binaries GPLv2+)
- Preserve timestamps for files copied from source into installed package
- Build and install using system libtool to avoid bogus rpath on 64-bit arches