pilot-link-devel - PalmPilot development header files


This package contains the development headers that are used to build
the pilot-link package. It also includes the static libraries
necessary to build static pilot applications.

If you want to develop PalmPilot synchronizing applications, you'll
need to install pilot-link-devel.

Homepage: http://www.pilot-link.org/

License: GPLv2 and GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and tcl

Vendor: Fedora Project


pilot-link-devel-0.12.2-5.fc8.ppc [186 KiB] Changelog by Ivana Varekova (2007-08-29):
- Rebuild for selinux ppc32 issue.
- fix open function calls
pilot-link-devel-0.12.2-5.fc8.ppc64 [196 KiB] Changelog by Ivana Varekova (2007-08-29):
- Rebuild for selinux ppc32 issue.
- fix open function calls