xerces-j2 - Java XML parser


Welcome to the future! Xerces2 is the next generation of high
performance, fully compliant XML parsers in the Apache Xerces family.
This new version of Xerces introduces the Xerces Native Interface (XNI),
a complete framework for building parser components and configurations
that is extremely modular and easy to program.

The Apache Xerces2 parser is the reference implementation of XNI but
other parser components, configurations, and parsers can be written
using the Xerces Native Interface. For complete design and
implementation documents, refer to the XNI Manual.

Xerces 2 is a fully conforming XML Schema processor. For more
information, refer to the XML Schema page.

Xerces 2 also provides a partial implementation of Document Object Model
Level 3 Core, Load and Save and Abstract Schemas [deprecated] Working
Drafts. For more information, refer to the DOM Level 3 Implementation

Homepage: http://xerces.apache.org/

License: Apache Software License

Vendor: Red Hat, Inc.


xerces-j2-2.7.1-7jpp.2.ppc [2.0 MiB] Changelog by Warren Togami (2006-08-13):
- fix typo in preun req