(This document is best viewed in a monospaced font) M A C A N O V A 5.04 Release 1 August 15, 2005 An Interactive Program for Statistical Analysis and Matrix Algebra Copyright 2005, Gary W. Oehlert and Christopher Bingham This file pertains to versions of MacAnova except Mac OS 8/9. Introduction In spite of its name, MacAnova is available for Windows, Macintosh, and Linux, not just Macintosh. And it does a great deal more than Analysis of Variance. MacAnova was conceived and programmed and is maintained by Gary W. Oehlert and Christopher Bingham, School of Statistics and is Copyright (C) 2005 by them (kb@stat.umn.edu and gary@stat.umn.edu). MacAnova is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License, Version 2. See file Copying.txt distributed with MacAnova. There is no warranty of any kind for MacAnova, either expressed or implied. MacAnova is distributed "as is". See file Copying.txt for a more complete statement. Reports of bugs should be e-mailed to kb@stat.umn.edu. Where to get MacAnova Everything publically available about MacAnova, including the latest Macintosh, Windows and DOS versions, documentation, and source, is available via the Internet. On the World Wide Web, our home page is http://www.stat.umn.edu/macanova/macanova.home.html The starting point for downloading the source http://www.stat.umn.edu/macanova/download.html It is set up to make it relatively easy for you to download the file you need. Files MacAnova source comes as a single gzipped tar file, for example MacAnova5.04.2.tar.gz. Give the command zcat MacAnova5.04.2.tar.gz | tar xvf - This will expand the archive into a directory named macanova5.04.2 All MacAnova source (including some for obsolete verions) is included in this archive. Developer Toolkits All versions of MacAnova are compiled using the GNU gcc/g++ compiler suite. On Linux, gcc/g++ often come as a standard part of the distribution. We have been using version 3.3.x for SuSE Linux. On Mac OS X, you must install the developer tools. On Windows, we have been using gcc/g++ under the Cygwin environment. Thus, if you are compiling for Windows, you must first set up a working Cygwin environment and install the compilers and standard utilities. Cygwin is available at www.cygwin.com . wxWidgets All windowed forms of MacAnova use wxWidgets (currently we use version 2.6.0). You should obtain wxWidgets from their website at www.wxwidgets.org, configure it for your system, and then compile it. It's actually very simple. 1. cd into the wxWidgets directory 2. on Linux ./configure --with-gtk=2 --disable-shared --with-libpng --with-libjpeg on Mac OS X ./configure --disable-shared on Windows ./configure --with-msw --disable-shared 3. make There's a lot to compile, so it will take a while, but I've not had problems. Compiling MacAnova There is one Makefile for each system: Makefile.cpc.gtk, Makefile.cpc.msw, and Makefile.cpc.osx. Edit the makefile for your system. The only thing that you should need to change is a line that tells make where your wxWidgets installation is. For example, I might have WXDIR = /home/gary/wxGTK-2.6.0 Edit this line to point to whereever you have wxWidgets installed. Then simply do make -f Makefile.cpc.gtk macanovacpc (although you'll have to change the name of the makefile for the other two systems). That should be all there is to it. Happy Computing! Gary W. Oehlert gary@stat.umn.edu Christopher Bingham kb@stat.umn.edu University of Minnesota School of Statistics 313 Ford Hall 224 Church Street, S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455 August 15, 2005