# TYPO3 - DEBIAN - WOODY - BASIC-Installation v 3.5 / v.3.6.1 ########################################################################### A) Install a Woody Minimum-Server with apache php mysql; -------------------------------------------------- see Debian Documentation (e.g. http://www.debian.org/) B) Update the Server and install a few things needed anyway -------------------------------------------------- # refreshing apt and updating distro # Update the package database (APT (the package manager) needs to know # which packages have been updated) apt-get update # First, let's see what will be upgraded apt-get -u upgrade --simulate # Perform upgrade apt-get -u upgrade # Install some basic programs apt-get -u install wget unzip bzip2 nano locales # Reconfigure the locales. This is required if you ever had problems # with some regional data, e.g. month names, etc. # If you think you won't need this, simply skip that part. dpkg-reconfigure locales C) Add the TYPO3 Repository + Install version 3.5 -------------------------------------------------- # nano is a slight editor. Its use should be self-explaining. nano -w /etc/apt/sources.list # Add these lines to the end of the file deb http://typo3.sunsite.dk/software/debian/ ./ deb-src http://typo3.sunsite.dk/software/debian/ ./ D) Install TYPO3 v3.5 and environment, base, site-installer -------------------------------------------------- # typo3-env is a metapackage which will install all required stuff to # run TYPO3 apt-get -u install typo3-env E) Get TYPO3 3.6.1 Sources and extract them to global storage -------------------------------------------------- cd ~ wget http://typo3.sunsite.dk/unix-archives/3.6.1/typo3_src/typo3_src-3.6.1.tar.gz cd /var/lib/typo3/ tar xzvf ~/typo3_src-3.6.1.tar.gz rm ~/typo3_src-3.6.1.tar.gz # TYPO3 3.6.1 sources are now located in: # /var/lib/typo3/typo3_src-3.6.1 F) Configuration updates -------------------------------------------------- # Edit the Apache config file nano /etc/apache/httpd.conf # Uncomment these lines to enable PHP execution from Apache AddType application/x-httpd-php .php AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps # Edit the PHP configuration file nano /etc/php4/apache/php.ini # Make sure that you have enabled the GD and the MySQL extension (should # have been installed by typo3-env) # If these lines are not existing yet, add them! extension=mysql.so extension=gd.so # After reloading Apache, PHP should be working /etc/init.d/apache reload # If you get errors, make sure that these extensions were really installed # and try again apt-get install php4-gd2 php4-mysql G) Enable InstallMode 3.5 + 3.6.1 -------------------------------------------------- # By default, the Install Tool of TYPO3 is protect using a die() call. # This is very important, but we have to disable this temporarily because # otherwise we cannot access it. # Edit this file and comment out the 'die()' call somehere around line 40 nano /var/lib/typo3/typo3_src-3.6.1/typo3/install/index.php H1) TYPO3-Version-35 - Setup a plain TYPO3 3.5 Site in /var/www/typo3site # -------------------------------------------------- # The typo3-site-installer makes a new site creation very easy: typo3-site-installer -d=/var/www/typo3site # That's it! :-) # However, it might make sense to give your page a better name than # "typo3site", e.g. "site" or "html" (this is what I prefer). # Enable the .htaccess (optional, use this if you want to use # SimulateStaticDocuments) # You will need to have mod_rewrite enabled in /etc/apache/httpd.conf!! # This command might look somehow unordinary, I just want to show you a # cool way for specifying different files inside of the bash (the default # Debian shell) mv /var/www/typo3site/{_,}.htaccess chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/typo3site # Now visit the Install Tool (which we enabled in section F) and finish # the installation by simply opening your page: # http://www.yoursite.com/typo3site/ # You will be redirected to the 1-2-3 Install Tool which is a simplified # version of the default Install Tool. Since the typo3-site-installer # installs a good default configuration, this method should be sufficent. # Finally, you can login to the backend: http://www.yoursite.com/typo3site/typo3/ # The default username is 'admin' # The default password is 'password' # # Change this password immediately!! # If you cannot login, then the admin user probably doesn't exist yet. # Go back to http://www.yoursite.com/typo3site/typo3/install/, # hit section 2 "Database Analyser", click on the 'Create admin user' # link, fill in the desired values and try again. H2) TYPO3-Version-361 - Setup a plain TYPO3 3.6.1 Site -------------------------------------------------- # Run everything just like above, but insert these commands below right # after you called the typo3-site-installer: # Remove the symlink that points to the TYPO3 source rm /var/www/typo3site/typo3_src # Create a new one, pointing to version 3.6.1 this time ln -s /var/lib/typo3/typo3_src-3.6.1 /var/www/typo3site/typo3_src I) Upgrading TYPO3 -------------------------------------------------- # If you have did not start from scratch but just updated your TYPO3 # version, then you will have to open the full Install Tool now # Visit: http://www.yoursite.com/typo3site/typo3/install/ # The default Install Tool password is 'joh316' # Change this immediately if you didn't do this yet! # Hit section 2 "Database Analyser" and click on the 'Compare' link # Confirm all operations and update the database # After this, TYPO3 should be successfully updated. J) Finishing the process -------------------------------------------------- # Do not forget to protect the Install Tool again! See section G) # DONE ########################################################################### # Your site can now be reached from the whole network: # http://www.yoursite.com/typo3site/ -- Georg Kuehnberger Sat, 08 May 2004 16:43:07 +0100 -- Luis Iafigliola Updated Thu 24th May 2004 -- Michael Stucki Mon, 31 May 2004 23:19:42 +0200