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3. Programs not working yet

Here are programs listed, where someone has reported that it does not work.

3.1 dd2demo.exe

This is a game found at
Reported by Hans Lermen, it kills dosemu, giving an output like:
general protection at 0x1fba: a7 ERROR: SIGSEGV, protected insn...exiting!
The crash happens in DMPI Call 0x0302 At least DMPI Call 0x0506 is not yet implemented.

3.2 bae.exe

This is a demo version of an Electronic CAD programm, found at
Reported by Uwe Bonnes, it stops dosemu with a blank screen in an unusable state. You have to do a remote login to kill dosemu, or hit reset with all it's possible fatal result. The possible reason is the missing implementation of DMPI Call 0x0800, as Uwe Bonnes reported it once working on the console with some hack.

3.3 tasmx.exe

Reported by (Alberto Vignani): Protected-mode version of the Borland Turbo Assembler. It crashes with "out of memory" at startup. I traced it at the assembly level, no result until now. Maybe a DPMI problem (97/03/04).

3.4 xaos.exe

Reported by (Alberto Vignani): Mandelbrot zoomer, version 2.2 under djgpp, using Allegro 2.1 library. Can be found on any simtelnet mirror (xaos22b.exe?) Any mouse movement (in console mode with a button pressed) crashes it (97/03/04).

3.5 QIC tape programs

Reported by (Alberto Vignani): Tape is not supported. Worse, if you use a floppy under dosemu, you have sometimes to remove/reinstall the ftape module.

3.6 Any program using SCSI

Reported by (Alberto Vignani):

No ASPI support until now(97/03/04).

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