
felix-gogo-shell - Community OSGi R4 Service Platform Implementation - Basic Commands

License: ASL 2.0
Vendor: Fedora Project
Apache Felix is a community effort to implement the OSGi R4 Service Platform
and other interesting OSGi-related technologies under the Apache license. The
OSGi specifications originally targeted embedded devices and home services
gateways, but they are ideally suited for any project interested in the
principles of modularity, component-orientation, and/or service-orientation.
OSGi technology combines aspects of these aforementioned principles to define a
dynamic service deployment framework that is amenable to remote management.


felix-gogo-shell-0.10.0-3.fc17.src [28 KiB] Changelog by Krzysztof Daniel (2012-01-31):
- Temporary fix for bug 786041

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-2.fc17