system environment/libraries

libproxy - A library handling all the details of proxy configuration

License: LGPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
libproxy offers the following features:

    * extremely small core footprint (< 35K)
    * no external dependencies within libproxy core
      (libproxy plugins may have dependencies)
    * only 3 functions in the stable external API
    * dynamic adjustment to changing network topology
    * a standard way of dealing with proxy settings across all scenarios
    * a sublime sense of joy and accomplishment


libproxy-0.4.7-4.fc17.src [103 KiB] Changelog by Peter Robinson (2012-02-27):
- Add upstream patches to use js rather than xulrunner
- Add patch to fix FTBFS on gcc 4.7
- Cleanup spec for latest updates and remove obsolete bits

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-2.fc17