Letter K

kbd - Tools for configuring the console (keyboard, virtual terminals, etc.)

Website: http://ftp.altlinux.org/pub/people/legion/kbd
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
The kbd package contains tools for managing a Linux
system's console's behavior, including the keyboard, the screen
fonts, the virtual terminals and font files.


kbd-1.15.5-11.fc20.i686 [341 KiB] Changelog by Vitezslav Crhonek (2013-11-21):
- Add xkb and legacy keymaps subdirs to loadkyes search path, remove symlink
  Related: #1028207
- Don't convert layouts that can't input ASCII (patch by Adam Williamson)
  Resolves: #1031848

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-5.fc20