Letter L

libfm-gtk - File manager-related GTK+ widgets of libfm

Website: http://pcmanfm.sourceforge.net/
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
libfm is a GIO-based library used to develop file manager-like programs. It is
developed as the core of next generation PCManFM and takes care of all file-
related operations such as copy & paste, drag & drop, file associations or
thumbnail support. By utilizing glib/gio and gvfs, libfm can access remote
file systems supported by gvfs.

This package provides useful file manager-related GTK+ widgets.


libfm-gtk- [145 KiB] Changelog by Christoph Wickert (2013-11-11):
- Rebuild for new menu-cache 0.5.x

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-5.fc20