
kblackbox - A game of hide and seek played on a grid of boxes

Website: https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdegames/kblackbox
License: GPLv2+ and GFDL
Vendor: Fedora Project
KBlackBox is a game of hide and seek played on a grid of boxes.
The computer has hidden several balls within this box.
By shooting beams into the box and observing where they emerge
it is possible to deduce the positions of the hidden balls.
The fewer beams you use and the quicker you are to find the balls,
the better (the lower) your score.


kblackbox-4.11.3-1.fc20.src [259 KiB] Changelog by Rex Dieter (2013-11-02):
- 4.11.3

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-5.fc20