
mate-image-viewer - Eye of MATE image viewer

Website: http://mate-desktop.org
License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
The Eye of MATE image viewer (eom) is the official image viewer for the
MATE desktop. It can view single image files in a variety of formats, as
well as large image collections.
Eye of Mate is extensible through a plugin system.


mate-image-viewer-1.6.1-2.fc20.src [2.1 MiB] Changelog by Wolfgang Ulbrich (2013-09-16):
- add mate-desktop-libs runtime require, fix rhbz (#1008249)
- remove gsettings-desktop-schemas BR and runtime require
- add BR pkgconfig(zlib)
- cleanup BRs
- update descriptions
- use modern make install macro
- remove needless check for "*.a" files
- remove needless --with-gnome from find locale
- remove needless 'save space by linking identical images in translated docs'
- remove needless gsettings convert file
- fix rpm scriptlets
- add omf directory
- own directories
- add python-libdir patch

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-5.fc20