
grads - Tool for easy acces, manipulation, and visualization of data

The Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) is an interactive desktop tool
that is used for easy access, manipulation, and visualization of earth science
data. The format of the data may be either binary, GRIB, NetCDF, or HDF-SDS
(Scientific Data Sets). GrADS has been implemented worldwide on a variety of
commonly used operating systems and is freely distributed over the Internet.
License:GPL Group:Applications/Engineering
URL: Source: grads


Name Version Release Type Size Built
grads 1.9b4 11.fc3 x86_64 6.48 MiB Fri Apr 21 18:27:39 2006


* Fri Apr 21 18:00:00 2006 Patrice Dumas <dumas{%}centre-cired{*}fr> 1.9b4-11
- Add needed X related BR
* Fri Apr 21 18:00:00 2006 Patrice Dumas <dumas{%}centre-cired{*}fr> 1.9b4-10
- remove unneeded X related BR and configure flags since the gui isn't built
* Sat Mar 11 17:00:00 2006 Patrice Dumas <dumas{%}centre-cired{*}fr> 1.9b4-9
- rebuild for newer libdap

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6 (modified)