System Environment/Daemons

mod_suphp - An apache2 module for executing PHP scripts with the permissions of their owners

suPHP is an apache module for executing PHP scripts with the permissions of
their owners. It consists of an Apache module (mod_suphp) and a setuid root
binary (suphp) that is called by the Apache module to change the uid of the
process executing the PHP interpreter.
License:GPL Group:System Environment/Daemons
URL: Source: mod_suphp


Name Version Release Type Size Built
mod_suphp 0.5.2 8.fc3 x86_64 66 KiB Tue Jul 26 23:24:10 2005


* Sat Jul 9 18:00:00 2005 Andreas Thienemann <andreas{%}bawue{*}net> 0.5.2-8
- Added a dependency on a specific httpd-mmn
* Tue Jul 5 18:00:00 2005 Andreas Thienemann <andreas{%}bawue{*}net> 0.5.2-7
- Bumped up the releasever
* Tue Jul 5 18:00:00 2005 Andreas Thienemann <andreas{%}bawue{*}net> 0.5.2-6
- Added correct name to %setup macro

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6 (modified)