
yasm-devel - Header files and static libraries for yasm

Yasm is a complete rewrite of the NASM assembler under the "new" BSD License
(some portions are under other licenses, see COPYING for details). It is
designed from the ground up to allow for multiple assembler syntaxes to be
supported (eg, NASM, TASM, GAS, etc.) in addition to multiple output object
formats and even multiple instruction sets. Another primary module of the
overall design is an optimizer module.
Install this package if you need to rebuild applications that use yasm.
License:BSD Group:Development/Libraries
URL: Source: yasm


Name Version Release Type Size Built
yasm-devel 0.4.0 1 x86_64 987 KiB Mon Jan 31 14:20:00 2005


* Fri Jan 28 17:00:00 2005 Matthias Saou <> 0.4.0-1
- Initial RPM release.

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6 (modified)