Packages not in Groups

perl-Net-Patricia - Patricia Trie perl module for fast IP address lookups

This module uses a Patricia Trie data structure to quickly perform IP
address prefix matching for applications such as IP subnet, network or
routing table lookups.  The data structure is based on a radix tree using a
radix of two, so sometimes you see patricia implementations called "radix"
as well.  The term "Trie" is derived from the word "retrieval" but is
pronounced like "try".  Patricia stands for "Practical Algorithm to
Retrieve Information Coded as Alphanumeric", and was first suggested for
routing table lookups by Van Jacobsen.  Patricia Trie performance
characteristics are well-known as it has been employed for routing table
lookups within the BSD kernel since the 4.3 Reno release.
License:GPL Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: perl-Net-Patricia


Name Version Release Type Size Built
perl-Net-Patricia 1.014 3.fc6 i386 73 KiB Tue Aug 29 23:32:37 2006


* Tue Aug 29 18:00:00 2006 - Orion Poplawski <orion{%}cora{*}nwra{*}com> - 1.014-3
- Rebuild for FC6
* Mon Feb 27 17:00:00 2006 - Orion Poplawski <orion{%}cora{*}nwra{*}com> - 1.014-2
- Rebuild for FC5
* Tue Jan 31 17:00:00 2006 Orion Poplawski 1.014-1
- Update to 1.014

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6 (modified)