Administration Tools

gparted - Gnome Partition Editor

GParted stands for Gnome Partition Editor and is a graphical frontend to
libparted. Among other features it supports creating, resizing, moving
and copying of partitions. Also several (optional) filesystem tools provide
support for filesystems not included in libparted. These optional packages
will be detected at runtime and don't require a rebuild of GParted
License:GPL Group:Administration Tools
URL: Source: gparted


Name Version Release Type Size Built
gparted 0.3.3 3.fc6 ppc 1.53 MiB Thu Jun 14 18:16:27 2007


* Mon Jun 11 18:00:00 2007 Deji Akingunola <dakingun{%}gmail{*}com> - 0.3.3-3
- Apply patch to only detect real devices, useful for correcting gparted slow 
 startup in situations when floppy drives doesn't exist but are enabled in bios
 (BZ #208821).
* Wed Mar 7 17:00:00 2007 Deji Akingunola <dakingun{%}gmail{*}com> - 0.3.3-2
- Rebuild
* Thu Dec 7 17:00:00 2006 Deji Akingunola <dakingun{%}gmail{*}com> - 0.3.3-1
- Bug fix release

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6 (modified)