Development Tools

sunifdef - A commandline tool for simplifying the preprocessor conditionals in source code

Sunifdef is a commandline tool for simplifying the preprocessor
conditionals in source code (\#if and related directives) based on the
the user's chosen interpretation of the preprocessor symbols. It is a
more powerful successor to the FreeBSD 'unifdef' tool.

Sunifdef is most useful to developers of constantly evolving products
with large code bases, where preprocessor conditionals are used to
configure the feature sets, APIs or implementations of different
releases. In these environments the code base steadily accumulates
\#ifdef-pollution as transient configuration options become
obselete. Sunifdef can largely automate the recurrent task of purging
redundant \#if-logic from the code.
License:BSD Group:Development Tools
URL: Source: sunifdef


Name Version Release Type Size Built
sunifdef 3.1 1.fc6 ppc 110 KiB Mon May 21 18:52:20 2007


* Mon May 21 18:00:00 2007 Jonathan G. Underwood <rpmb{%}renton{*}jgu> - 3.1-1
- Update to version 3.1 (bug fix release)
* Wed Jan 24 17:00:00 2007 Jonathan G. Underwood <jonathan{*}underwood{%}gmail{*}com> - 3.0-1
- Update to version 3.0
* Tue Jul 25 18:00:00 2006 Jonathan G. Underwood <jonathan{*}underwood{%}gmail{*}com> - 2.1.2-1
- Update to version 2.1.2

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6 (modified)