Packages not in Groups

torque - Tera-scale Open-source Resource and QUEue manager

TORQUE (Tera-scale Open-source Resource and QUEue manager) is a resource
manager providing control over batch jobs and distributed compute nodes.
TORQUE is based on OpenPBS version 2.3.12 and incorporates scalability,
fault tolerance, and feature extension patches provided by USC, NCSA, OSC,
the U.S. Dept of Energy, Sandia, PNNL, U of Buffalo, TeraGrid, and many
other leading edge HPC organizations.

This build was configured with:
  --with-tcl --with-tk
This package holds just a few shared files and directories.
License:Freely redistributable (See PBS_License.txt) Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: torque


Name Version Release Type Size Built
torque 2.1.8 1.fc6 ppc 39 KiB Tue Mar 13 15:42:07 2007


* Tue Mar 13 18:00:00 2007 Garrick Staples <garrick{%}usc{*}edu> 2.1.8-1
- bump to 2.1.8
- ensure daemons have the correct path to sendmail
- don't need rpath configure patch anymore
* Wed Feb 14 17:00:00 2007 Garrick Staples <garrick{%}usc{*}edu> 2.1.6-5
- rebuilding because tcl8.5 was downgraded to tcl8.4
* Tue Feb 6 17:00:00 2007 Garrick Staples <garrick{%}usc{*}edu> 2.1.6-4
- rebuilding with new tcl

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6 (modified)