Packages not in Groups

agrep - Approximate grep utility

The agrep tool is similar to the commonly used grep utility, but agrep
can be used to search for approximate matches.

The agrep tool searches text input for lines (or records separated by
strings matching arbitrary regexps) that contain an approximate, or
fuzzy, match to a specified regexp, and prints the matching lines.
Limits can be set on how many errors of each kind are allowed, or
only the best matching lines can be output.

Unlike other agrep implementations, TRE agrep allows full POSIX
regexps of any length, any number of errors, and non-uniform costs.
License:LGPL Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: tre


Name Version Release Type Size Built
agrep 0.7.5 1.fc6 x86_64 19 KiB Sun Jan 28 21:55:05 2007


* Mon Jan 29 17:00:00 2007 Dominik Mierzejewski <rpm{%}greysector{*}net> 0.7.5-1
- update to 0.7.5
- remove redundant BRs
- add %check
* Thu Sep 14 18:00:00 2006 Dominik Mierzejewski <rpm{%}greysector{*}net> 0.7.4-6
- remove ExcludeArch, the bug is in crm114
* Tue Aug 29 18:00:00 2006 Dominik Mierzejewski <rpm{%}greysector{*}net> 0.7.4-5
- mass rebuild

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.fc6 (modified)