Packages not in Groups

perl-Perlbal-XS-HTTPHeaders - Perlbal extension for processing HTTP headers

This module is used to read HTTP headers from a string and to parse them
into an internal storage format for easy access and modification. You can
also ask the module to reconstitute the headers into one big string, useful
if you're writing a proxy and need to read and write headers while
maintaining the ability to modify individual parts of the whole.
License:GPL+ or Artistic Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: perl-Perlbal-XS-HTTPHeaders


Name Version Release Type Size Built
perl-Perlbal-XS-HTTPHeaders 0.19 2.fc6 x86_64 59 KiB Wed Aug 22 03:03:03 2007


* Fri Aug 17 18:00:00 2007 Ruben Kerkhof <ruben{%}rubenkerkhof{*}com> 0.19-2
- Correct license tag
* Sat May 12 18:00:00 2007 Ruben Kerkhof <ruben{%}rubenkerkhof{*}com> 0.19-1
- Initial import

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